We’ve recently caught up with Riyam Mistry on his Single-Blinded, Randomised Trial into the Efficacy of Silicone Sheeting for Cutaneous Scars. The Best Evidence for Scar Treatment (BEST) Group Trial.

How is your trial for cutaneous scars going?

“The trial is going really well, everything is set to go. We have most approvals in place and we expect to begin recruiting patients to the trial in the Spring. I’m very excited to be able to run such a robust study of scar treatment and to address the question of whether silicone sheeting really works. Last summer myself and Mike Tyler, who is also working on this trial, attended the Appearance Collective Meeting. At this meeting we presented our work to the Vocational Training Charitable Trust Foundation (VTCTF), an educational awarding organisation set up in 2013. We shared the aims of this novel trial; its potential impact on the treatment of scars and how it might change clinical practice. Thanks to the generous donation of £25,000 by the VTCTF, we have been able to set up this high quality clinical trial and make a huge step forward in research for scarring.”

We look forward to catching up with Riyam soon with the results of the Ethics Committee meeting. Thanks again to the VTCTF for their continuing support.

By Jasmine Bailey Restore Social Media Fellow